I've been working on this project for about half a year already so its difficult to know what to start this blog with. I think I will start with Character sheets and then try and add interesting things in between. I hope you enjoy reading about the project.

These are the main characters in the graphic novel (right to left) Terry, Steve and Carl. I spent most of the summer trying to give them more consistent character designs because when they first appeared in Best Day Ever and a Free Mini comic their faces changed every time.

This is one of the pages from Best Day Ever that they appear on.
You can read the full Best Day Ever comic online.

This is a page from a free mini comic I created very quickly around the same time as drawing Best Day Ever. I still didn't have the final character sheets at this point so the characters would have inconsistent hair and faces.

I'm very glad I now have the character sheets to refer to and drawing the characters many times actually changed them slightly to how they first appeared, but I think this is an improvement.

I'm currently working on a new free comic to give out in the new year, I'm hoping it will be a better representation of my work because the first free comic was drawn very quickly and rushed. The character featured on the cover is Carl, the bass player in the Giant Rhinos.

I've tried to do as much location drawing as possible for this project. Mostly of any live music I went to. These sketches are from when I saw blur in 2009. I have based some of Carl's playing habits on the body language I have seen at gigs. I try to make Carl seem as laid back as possible when playing which is interesting because he worries and panics the most out of all of the characters when they meet aliens.

This is a small pen drawing from one of my sketchbooks. The 2 girls probably wont feature in the graphic novel, but they are Carl's elder sisters, Em (left) and Nat (right).
You might find it interesting to see my friend
Sarah's drawing of
Carl in her own style.
Thanks for reading, I will try and update with some more stuff soon.