I've not done many gig sketches this year but yesterday I went to see Lee Mitchell at Sunday Night Live. I really love the chilled out atmosphere you can find at music events in coffee shops. They're better for location drawing because the room is well lit.
There are not many opportunities to draw drum kits, so I always jump at the chance to practice. I think I enjoy it a lot because there is a large variety in shape, size and set up. At most gigs its usually pretty difficult to see the drummer too.
I've decided that each week I'd like to show you some of my character sheets and development illustrations. Last week I posted a drawing of an alien called Annie, this new picture is of her mum Isabella.
Arctic Monkeys - A Certain Romance
"There's only music, so that there's new ring tones."
Recently I found a piece of work I'd written in secondary school that quotes this song. I think the task was to write an article based on the title 'Young people nowadays don't know what real music is.' It's mostly a big rant about the music I liked and disliked when I was 15. I got a B grade and a little note that just says 'I thought this was good!'
One of the original starting points for this project was to make some comments about the mainstream music industry and reality TV. I've been watching The Voice so that I could make an informed opinion instead of annoying assumptions. So now I spend a lot of time ranting about it like I'm a teenager all over again. It makes me very wound up that the show pretends to be an Anti-XFactor show when really it's just the same thing. I'd write a proper article if I was better at that type of thing, but I can put my feelings towards the situation into this graphic novel instead.